This Christmas, we need your help to continue resourcing Christians like Joy, who is using our Little Brick of Little Books with visitors to the welcome café at Gateway Church, York. “Many people who come to the café have been showing a growing interest in faith,” says Joy, “Little Book of Joy and the other resources are great conversation starters and are the kind of booklets that people will keep.” In times like these, the need has never been greater. Every day, individuals and communities across the globe are reaching out, hungry for the Bible’s life words to inspire their lives and strengthen their faith. With your help, we can ensure this mission keeps on opening doors, creating access, and ensuring that cost is never a barrier for those seeking the Bible.
Earlier this year, Helen started a group with some teenagers – some familiar with church, some not. It all started as a one-off lunch, but the young people asked to keep the group going. Now they meet every 5-6 weeks in a Christian café in Macclesfield to learn about Jesus, through reading or listening to the Bible, through TV and film, and through Bible resources like ours! Helen and many others like her are only able to share our resources because of the generosity of our supporters. This Christmas, your support is more essential than ever.
With rising print and distribution costs, your gift will enable us to continue to provide Bible resources to those who need them most – whether it’s a pastor in a remote village, a community group in a bustling city, or a young person searching for meaning in a turbulent world. Every donation you make becomes a powerful tool for ministry, paving the way for countless others to experience the hope and wisdom of the Bible.
As you consider your Christmas giving this year, please remember the impact your generosity can have. By supporting Lifewords, you are joining a global community committed to sharing the Bible’s life-giving message and to making a lasting difference in people’s lives. For Joy and Helen, and countless others, Lifewords is a vital piece of their ministry, outreach and witness. Every gift goes a long way, making a tremendous contribution to the production, printing, and distribution of the resources. More than that, your gift means that people around the world who are opportunity-rich but cash-poor – and who very often cannot do their mission or outreach work without our Scripture-centred resources – benefit from your generous passion for Bible work. It’s like paying forward a Christmas gift to a fellow Christian somewhere in the world!
Together, we can bring hope, light, and love to communities everywhere. Please consider making a one-time gift, becoming a regular giver, or exploring a legacy gift in your Will to ensure that Lifewords can continue sharing the Bible for generations to come. We would be very grateful, too, if you would please tell your friends and faith networks about Lifewords. We would love to make new friends and reach more people! Thank you for standing with us this Christmas. With your help, Lifewords will continue to bring the Bible to a world in need, even as we tell the story of the Messiah who comes into the world.