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A Brazilian family restored

For more than 18 years, Pavement Project has worked with countless families and children, and young people around the world. Here’s one of the many stories of God working through Pavement Project:

Maria* from Brazil once struggled with regular drug use. This impacted the relationship with her family, and particularly with her two daughters. Maria’s children began to lose weight and expressed that they felt neglected.

One day a Pavement Project worker met with Maria's daughters. Together they spoke openly about their feelings, shared their thoughts on what they want a family to be, and learned about God's love and care for their lives.

Following the session, the Pavement Project worker was able to meet with Maria and counsel the family together. They shared time in prayer and asked God to restore their family. Maria received professional help from an organisation that supports drug dependents and now has a positive relationship with her children.

“I can't explain this special moment,” says the Pavement Project worker. "It's a feeling of gratitude and accomplishing God's mission. We’re very grateful to God for allowing us to be part of this special journey. Seeing the joy of the girls has been an emotional moment I can’t explain.”

*Name has been changed.

Will you help us make more of these stories a reality? Your gift can help support the urgent work, training, and resources needed for Pavement Project worldwide.

Please pray for families in Brazil that experience drug abuse and other forms of deprivation. Ask God to intervene to bring about more stable family environments. And pray for progress as the family continues to heal and rebuild their relationship. Thank you.

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