Do you remember how you first accessed the story of God’s love? Perhaps you heard it or read it or experienced it in some other way - it’s life-changing, isn’t it!? But not everyone encounters the story the same way: people’s access depends on their circumstances and what is available to them. That’s why Lifewords is working to make our Bible resources as widely accessible as we can, and why we are asking for your support at this special time of year to do even more.
Right now, there’s a real opportunity for us to do more to make the Bible accessible in our communities. For instance – there are 50,000 people in the UK for whom BSL (British Sign Language) is their first or ‘heart’ language. Globally there are 70 million sign language users, and some 400 unique sign languages. 95% of these have no Bible translation, and there is only one single complete sign language translation of the Bible. We’re a long way still from access for all: With your support, we could create resources using BSL and Makaton signing, as well as video subtitles. Your gift will help us achieve this.
Our Christmas range this year again includes OUTSIDE/IN (created with partners Biblica, Livability, and Torch Trust). With larger font size in line with the Royal National Institute of Blind People standards, resources in braille and super-large print, an audio CD, and even a downloadable animation with voiceover and BSL signing, OUTSIDE/IN has found its way into schools, prisons, hospitals, and churches’ Christmas outreach.
At WAVE (We’re All Valued Equally) church in London, people with or without learning disabilities come together to worship. “OUTSIDE/IN is brilliant,” says Bernice Hardie, who founded the church. “When I first came across it, I was like, ‘Wow, somebody has finally thought about it from a different perspective.’”
A gift today will go towards creating more options for more people to encounter the Bible. And perhaps for some, that never-to-be-forgotten, life-changing first encounter with Jesus!
Please help us as we seek to open up the story and the opportunity to people in all walks of life.
The gift of more accessible resources is not just for Christmas: