Make a Change for Life
Help us make a change for life all year round, by supporting the ministry of Lifewords.
Help us make a change for life all year round, by supporting the ministry of Lifewords.
“Millions of children are suffering. It’s like the church doesn’t have the medicine to heal their wounds. Now, with Lifewords, they can help the children, listen to their pain, and present them Jesus.” Cleisse Andrade (Director of Lifewords Brazil).
Cleisse has travelled widely, but this was different: “I heard tough stories of abandonment, abuse, hunger, and lack of hope, but at the same time I saw how the church is making a difference in the crisis. Of all the countries I have been, this was the one that gave me the strongest feeling of being here at the right time.”
This video highlights our work all around the world to bring the life changing words of the Bible into situations like the one in Venezuela.
As the new year approaches, our work in Venezuela continues, and we’ll be working at creating ways into the Bible all around the world – offering them free, and supported by donations, just as we have for almost 132 years. We’ll be giving and living life words amongst children on the streets, reaching youth in digital spaces, and engaging teenagers struggling with mental health issues. We’ll be empowering pastors who lack Bible resources to serve their communities. We’ll be supporting women who are caught up in sexual exploitation; resourcing chaplains in prisons and in hospitals amongst the bereaved, lonely, and victims of disaster. We’ll be sharing the Bible in multiple languages and across cultures. We love this work and if you share our passion for the Bible, we’d love you to be part of it!
I hope this inspires you with how the Bible is impacting lives. Please consider giving financially, and partnering with us, as together we can do so much more. If possible, a regular donation by direct debit or standing order will help us to plan more effectively into the future. Across our Bible resources, programmes and literature range, your gift can really make a big impact.
This new year, please would you give and live the Bible’s life words, and make a change for life.