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Supporting refugees

As stories about the refugee crisis in Europe fade from news cycles, on the ground the situation remains unchanged. What are churches doing to help?

Every day thousands of migrants are leaving their homes in search of a better, safer, more stable life.

Many of these travellers are leaving behind war, famine and poverty. They have suffered loss, trauma and despair. Across Europe Lifewords supporters are offering these vulnerable people love and hope through practical help and God’s Word. Pastor Viktor from Subotica, Serbia, says: “Every day thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa are moving towards the West through our city. We are helping them with food, water and other needs.” They have also been offering the refugees booklets from the Lifewords current Arabic range: An Invitation, Jesus: An Introduction and Daily Strength.

In Haaparanda, Sweden, Jouni and Sirkka Leinonen have been using these same booklets to reach out to refugees from Iraq and Syria. The Lifewords UK office has also received calls from supporters wanting to order resources to include in relief efforts alongside practical aid. We are translating and printing new material in Arabic – Picking Up the Pieces and Who Cares About Me? – both designed for one-to-one use with those who have suffered severe trauma. There is still time to offer your financial support for this. Find out more about how you can help.


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